Collaboration: the key to circular succes

Our approach

To reach the goal of becoming fully circular by 2050, we need a fundamentally different approach of doing business. In a circular economy, the function of a product is sold rather than the product itself. Material becomes subordinate function.

The responsibility for product and material performance shifts from consumers to all stakeholders involved in the functioning of a product. This means that services are offered by so-called circular service networks.

For these networks to function, all stakeholders in the value chain must collaborate. After all, the circular chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Initiators of such service networks face a variety of challenges such as high startup costs to setup new structures, administrative hassle to collect and pay forward recurring payments, and a lack of access to capital.

With CiSe we facilitate supply chain cooperation by offering standardized, scalable solutions to enable circular chains to become feasible and fundable.

How we do it

Yes, there will be no thriving business without a solid business model.

Setting up a circular service business has its challenges, but opens new possibilities too.

For example, by intensifying the use of a product, you can earn more with the same resources. That way you improve circularity and increase earning potential. Win-win!

Let us help you with setting the foundations of your circular service proposition.

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A circular service model requires you having good, long-term relationships with you customers.

All the more important to have a clear agreement on everyone’s rights and responsibilities.

Our standardized Circular Service Contract is designed to do just that. And it’s free for all circular entrepreneurs to use!

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We have mentioned it before, collaboration is key to circular succes.

When setting up your circular service proposition, it is important to get commitment from your value chain partners to collaborate with you in forming a circular value chain.

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Just like your own business, your value chain partners must adjust their business model to fit a circular service proposition.

We can help them in setting up a circular service proposition with the Fit4CircularFinance training!

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The spider in the web of our structure is the CiSe Participation Agreement.

This agreement is designed to lock-in the collaborative revenue model of the circular value chain and its financiers. It outlines all parties’ right and obligations, making sure that responsibility over the materials are placed at the one with most influence on it.

We have a free template available here and offer guided projects to help you set up your circular value chain collaboration.

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When setting up a circular service chain, it is crucial to have a collaborative business model that reflects the cashflow generating capacity of your product or service.

This requires a different model than you might be used to. Luckily, our experts worked it all out for you! You can either purchase our template model or have it set up for you by our in-house business model wizard.

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One of the main obstacles for scaling circular solutions is a lack of access funding.

Using the CiSe legal-financial structure, we make project finance techniques available to all circular entrepreneurs.

In our guided value chain project we walk you through all the steps to set up a solid proposition that you can present to financiers.

Rather do it yourself? Have a look at the Fit 4 Circular Finance training.

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